Fohlen fliegt auf dem Boden ...

Flockige trabende Esel!

Was sagt man... störisch wie ein Eigentümer eines Maulesels. Ein gieriges Schwein, der auf eine fünf-mal zu heftige Last schleppen dringt. Und dann sieht erstaunt aus wenn dies passiert...
Der berühmte russische fliegende Esel...
... du armes Schwein!
6 Kommentare:
Das Video schaue ich mir gar nicht an. Der muss sehr heftig sein. Was ich darüber gehört oder gelesen habe reicht mir vollkommen.
Mein Zuschauerklick bekommt es nicht.
Liebe Grüße
Grüß Dich Gledwood!
Das ist, sagen wir mal, unterste Schublade! Hoffentlich werden die Russen dafür bestraft...
Servus und so long
hi gleds,
since yesterday i'm looking back into some blogs. only for a short time... my two grandsons are a handfull, but ever so lovely and cute. of course i choose beeing all the time with them and my daughter.
i havn't forgotten about you and i liked what you wrote yesterday; about wasting your talent and throwing away your life... exactly!
i'm glad you realise it.
sometimes i can't believe, that someone like you... with its heart on the right place and enough brains, doesn't get more out of what life offers you.
i know that you can make it, you will be ready when you can make a cut to your past. what i mean, forget about how shitty your life was until now, just forget it was you and start all over again. the first few weeks will be hell, but in comparison to the life you live now, those few weeks of feeling really bad will eventually end.
yoor life will never change unless you do it. i hope you start before its too late!
writing its a good start, but you know that it isn't enough.
thrugh my thoughts i send you thrength and faith.
Angelina: Parasailing Esel!? davon habe ich von den Nachrichten gehört. Ich suchte nach eine Bild, aber konnte nichts gut finden. Ich musste das Video anschauen. Aber wie Du, das mag nich überhaupt nicht.
Kvelli: unterste Schublade! Darüber habe ich ein Kurzgeshichte für Heute Abend!
Ela: I wrote about that longer in English. Something today as well. You know I had NO IDEA i was wasting my life. None at all. Honestly. Terrible. Truly terrible. I was so utterly lost in addiciton and the terrible mental state that came with it (crack made that mental state the worst).
Only now I feel inspired, do I realize how much time I have wasted. And that if I write my idea, I might finally negotiate somehow a way out...
Liebe Grüße alle!
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